Book Covers
Back in elementary school and through junior high we were required to put book covers on our hardcover textbooks. This was the late 1970s and early 1980s when New York City was slowly emerging from a fiscal crisis so the schools had very little money and couldn ’t afford to replace many books. So we used older textbooks that we were required to protect from damage by use of a paper or laminated book cover. This requirement immediately divided kids into three types: those who bought book covers, those who used supermarket bags and those who ignored the rule. I suspect you could tell the future of any given kid by what category he or she fell into. Let’s take the rule breakers for example. Those kids who just didn ’t bother with the book covers. They probably wound up becoming criminals of one kind or another. I bet if they came from a family with a bit of money they probably wound up engaging in bank fraud or some other kind of white collar shenanigans (the Enron crew NEVER put ...