
Instead, I will humbly suggest that you plan a trip to the city yourself. Go there, eat the food, hear the music, see the bayous and the rivers and museums and the old buildings. Then decide for yourself if America is a better place because New Orleans exists.
What are you waiting for?
(8/31 addendum): If there's anything left after Tuesday they'll probably need even more tourist dollars than ever. I fear I might have written a eulogy here instead of a simple expression of affection. I hope Gustav misses as much of the population of the Gulf Coast as possible, and I hope those that it does hit make it through safe and healthy .
If praying is your thing, please do put in a good word for that part of the country.
(9/2 addendum): It looks like things went as well as could be hoped for in most areas. Which is not to say that things are great but it could have been a lot worse. My thoughts are with all those hurt by the storm and with everyone who had to relocate.