"Helsinki Is Very Gray"

That's what the Mrs. said after loading today's pictures. Hey, we can't control the weather.
It's late, we saw a lot today, and we need to see a lot tomorrow. So this will be a minimal-text maximum picture post.
This is the central train station in Helsinki. We arrived here this morning from Turku, and if my grandmother took a train from Turku to Helsinki as part of her journey to America she came through here as well since the station was finished in 1919 and she went to the US in 1922.
This is the Lutheran Cathedral.
This is the view from the top of the stairs of the Cathedral toward the harbor.
This is the harbor itself. My grandmother emigrated from Helsinki to the US, so I'm virtually certain this is her point of departure. Once again, I was moved by being in a place where she might have walked decades ago.
This is the "Church In The Rock". Churches don't often move me emotionally. Impress me in an asthetic manner yes, actually touch me emotionally no. This one did. No family connection here so I don't know why.
The Lutheran Cathedral shortly after sunset, about 10:45pm.

I have a sip or two of Aquavit to finish and then it's off to bed. Good night.


Linda said…
Good job on the pics! glad you found the adapter so i can enjoy them every day. See you soon

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