Advantage: Rain
It's been like that for a couple of days in the NY area though, hasn't it? Grey days existing outside of time? I love waking up in the small hours at this time of year, laying in bed and listening to the rain flicker off the shingles outside my bedroom and blatter in the mud puddles around the bushes in our garden. It fills me with a sense of peace.

Sunshine, while beautiful, requires action. It does charge through the windows and bark at you to get out, do something, do chores, go to the beach, cook something on the grill, check your garden, dammit how can you stay inside on a day like this? Sunshine is not for resting, not at all.
Sunshine, while beautiful, requires action. It does charge through the windows and bark at you to get out, do something, do chores, go to the beach, cook something on the grill, check your garden, dammit how can you stay inside on a day like this? Sunshine is not for resting, not at all.
Grey days, drizzly days, days like today are their own special pleasure. They let you open the screen door and watch and listen. Things slow down like they do during a good, hard snowstorm.
But now I'm just rewriting what Tove wrote, aren't I? And half as well to boot. I've gotta learn to shut up.