30 down, 16 to go after this morning.
The feeling of unreality continues. My driver continues to do interesting things like admire the stonework on a rich person's house that we drive by every morning. "That's some nice stonework" he says. I'm inclined to agree since I don't know anything about stonework so I wouldn't know the difference anyway, plus my driver used to pave stuff for a living which means he was in a related field so I trust him.
72 and sunny. I should probably go back to doing the weather since I haven't changed the title here.
"All I'd done in better than two decades was to tread forward until I reached the limit of certain assumptions, and step off" - Denis Johnson, "Ad Man", summarizing my career.
The feeling of unreality continues. My driver continues to do interesting things like admire the stonework on a rich person's house that we drive by every morning. "That's some nice stonework" he says. I'm inclined to agree since I don't know anything about stonework so I wouldn't know the difference anyway, plus my driver used to pave stuff for a living which means he was in a related field so I trust him.
72 and sunny. I should probably go back to doing the weather since I haven't changed the title here.
"All I'd done in better than two decades was to tread forward until I reached the limit of certain assumptions, and step off" - Denis Johnson, "Ad Man", summarizing my career.