To Market

There’s not much that would drag my sorry self out of bed at 7:30 on a Saturday morning. Opening day of the St. George Greenmarket is one of those things.

Walking around the market with my wife, coffee in one hand and bags upon bags of produce and protein in the other is a happy Saturday morning ritual, kind of a light on a hill that helps me slog through the work week from May to November. There’s something about meeting the people who produce your food and shopping out in the weather (whatever that weather is) that makes getting groceries a joy instead of a chore.

The market could wind up being the highlight of the weekend as I will most likely see both teams that I pull for be eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs. I’m more surprised than I should be given that I knew this year’s playoffs lacked a clear-cut favorite. The one team that continues to surprise me is the Flyers who are this year’s poster child for the meaninglessness of the regular season as long as you get into the playoffs. I suspect that a lot of their success is because of what Montreal isn’t doing: using speed, cashing in on power play chances and getting the caliber of goaltending you need to win in the playoffs. Conversely, Martin Biron is playing the best hockey of his career and RJ Umberger has decided to be the John Druce of 2008.

Fortunately, minor league baseball season is starting up. One of the local independent leagues started up this week and the other starts right after Memorial Day.

Now if only the temperature would stay above 60 we could get our herb garden and tomato plants going. I don’t mind the cool weather, but I want to start the summer food growing cycle. Growing your own produce (however much you can) along with visiting farms and seeing the animals that become your food really makes you bear down and concentrate in the kitchen. You know how much work has gone in to growing a plant and you know that your meat was once a living creature so the motivation to execute well and waste nothing is very high.

So, why not visit your local farmers market this weekend? Or plant some vegetables? In the long run you’ll eat healthier and have more fun in the kitchen. Spring is arriving. There’s no better way to greet it.


JH said…
I tried to plant veggies in CT once, the deer sent me a thank you card for the delicious treat.

Now, I get mail order Jersey tomatoes from dad.
R R Rabbids said…
Be not depressed Mr. tomato/herb man. Mr. Garlic is basking in his glory this time of year. Plenty of time for the nightshades and weeds.

JH, at least you got a card.

And DC, what did I say would be funny after the BS Bullies advanced?

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