The Man Who Lived in the Cemetery, Part 4

Part 4

I keep misspelling cemetery.  For whatever reason I type an a for the last e but fortunately the ComputerMaticEditor 5000 that I type this typing on changes is for me so I don’t look like an even bigger idiot than I already do based on this body of work not to mention my day to day behavior.

I almost added a u to “behavior” but then I remembered I’m back in the States where we don’t have time for such ridiculous things.

I should get back to J at this point because it’s pretty damned hot at the cemetery with an “e” (in cemetery, not in “hot” obviously) and I don’t remember if I wrote him a bottle of water or not.

J fortunately remembered to bring a bottle of water.

Well thank heavens for that.

J was actually pretty good at remembering things which might make you think that J was a conscientious person who was good at interpersonal relationships.  If it made you think that it fooled you because J was a self-centered asshole who looked out for #1 first and didn’t really have a ton of friends.  Also you shouldn’t have been fooled if you read the second paragraph of Part 1 where I pretty much laid out the misanthropic nature of J.

Hence the spending time among the headstones routine.  Which is what J was doing this day as he did on a daily basis. 


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