“The Largest Temporary Restroom Event in History”

So said the ticker on the outside of the News Corporation building as I crossed Sixth Avenue. “That sums it up, doesn’t it?” I thought as I angled toward my place of work. Since today's Big Event is in Washington I hope that referred to the capacity of the devices as well as the volume.

Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen. Today is our quadrennial celebration of our American self. The day when we Americans congratulate ourselves on the non-violent change of executive power. Why, it’s been almost half a century since the last time we switched leaders via someone having a cap busted in their head! Hey, maybe that’s a sign they should put outside of Washington: “(Blank) days since our last violent transfer of power.” Kinda like those (blank) days since the last accident signs they used to have in factories to encourage safety.

So yes, today is a big deal. For the first time in anyone’s life, the chief executive of a nation originally founded to guarantee the freedoms of white male property owners will not be a white male property owner. This to some automatically makes him a better choice that will do a better job, and to others automatically makes him a worse choice that will do a worse job. So despite the fact that we’re all congratulating ourselves on overcoming race-based perception on this chilly January morn, we haven’t. Thank Providence most of us are far too un-self-aware to notice and therefore can sit back and enjoy the occasion instead of ruminating about it like some middle-aged sorehead.

Another thing I saw this morning was, I suppose, inevitable. It is a continuation of a true American tradition: the commoditization of patriotic occasions. Yes friends, just this morning an online wine retailer dropped me a line to say that they were offering “Presidential Picks” for 10% off. Today only! Order now! I’m sure at some point I’ll start seeing some direct response TV ads for the Barack Obama Inauguration Coin, Guaranteed To Be A Cherished Heirloom Collectible. This is something I’m certain will happen if it hasn’t already happened.

What I’m not certain of is how the next several years will unfold. Will Obama be the greatest leader the free world has seen in decades as some pundits expect or will he be the death knell of freedom as others expect? I suspect he will be neither, rather he will have some successes and some failures and will ultimately be judged depending on how the world economic situation moves and whether or not there are more successful attacks on American citizens. But really, I have no idea how things will unfold. Neither, I think, do you.

For my own sake and the sake of my loved ones who live here in America, I wish the new administration luck. They’re going to need it.


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