American Food
It's a three day weekend for the Mrs. and I. An American holiday weekend. To mark the occasion, I was going to do what I have done to mark Martin Luther King day which is to try to cook an American classic. The past few years I've done a roast turkey but this year I'm birdless and idea-less.
I was going to start a corned beef, (which despite its Irish association is, to my understanding an Northeastern US immigrant dish) but the the recipe I have requires five days of brining before cooking. So maybe I'll do something else with the brisket I have in the freezer. But what? Maybe I should do something else entirely.
What is a quintessentially American savory main that I can spend a lot of time with? Hmmm....a puzzlement. Protein-wise I have a London Broil, lamb chops, pork chops and some ground beef in the fridge. A bit of fresh (uncooked) chorizo too. No birds, our local farm market isn't back until May and I didn't have the motivation to stop at Union Square on the way home tonight in the 10 degree temperature. I imagine many farmers might have no-showed anyway.

Bison would be as American as it gets I suppose, but again, I doubt I'll get to the city tomorrow seeing as how it's freezing and I have curling in the evening. Phooey.
What to do, what to do.