Audio Caffiene

Yes folks, it's time for that cheap blogger's trick, the "favorite music for (whatever)" list! Because, quite frankly, I have no new ideas today. So I will inflict the following on you. Friends, what keeps you awake while you're driving long distances? Lots of folks like audio books (I almost typed "books on tape", once again betraying my age though at least I didn't say "books on wax audio cylinder"). Others like to listen to the same satellite radio station playing the same genre of music with no human intervention for hours on end. Then there are those folks who like to listen to local talk stations, angerin' up their blood at the perceived foibles of the power elites. Sometimes I just like to put the radio on and hit "scan" until something interesting catches my ear. As time has gone by and terrestrial radio has become more homogenized I increasingly like to be my own DJ. Though I don't do mixtapes, er, sorry,...