Rounding First

25% done, more or less. 

What have I learned?  Not much.  It's not a learning experience, really.

I have become well acquainted with a rubber or plastic (not sure which) coated foam ring that's around 8 inches in diameter.  You hold it in your hands so they have something to do while you lay on your back on a table that's elevated and then irradiated.  Well, presumably I'm the one being irradiated but since you feel nothing who can tell?

The ring is blue, kind of a Microsoft Word blue, maybe a little lighter and it's usually oval when they hand it to me so I make it my mission to pull on the long sides so the ring is more round when I give it back.  Today it was pretty round, and I was pretty pleased, and it's Friday and I don't have to go lay on the table for two days so I'll put this one in the win column. 


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