Good News!

No, I'm not going to tell you how your eternal soul is going to be saved. Got no idea on that one, no sir.

However, there has been too much navel-gazing negativity on here lately. So today we will concentrate on happy things.

The new cats are making slow but sure progress adjusting to their new home.

Curling season starts tomorrow for the Mrs. and I, it'll be good to see our curling friends on a regular basis again. The game itself will be even more of an adventure than usual since I haven't set foot on the ice in 6 months. Sorry in advance about that Aaron.

Fall is a great season. Good sleeping weather.

WFMU is having "Singles Going Steady" week to promote the record fair this weekend with many DJ's playing nothing but old-fashioned 45 RPM records. A lot of fun shows so far this week.

The Habs are off to a good start. The Rangers are up and down but not terrible.

See, there's plenty going on to distract or detract from the creeping doom. The ceaseless ticking of the clock. The knowledge of one's own mortality.

Aw see? I stop concentrating for a minute and this post goes all Goth chick or something. Let's try that again:

See, there are plenty of things going on to make life joyful and wondrous, filled with rainbows and unicorns. Wait a minute, unicorns don't exist. Better cross them out. Wait, how do I go back and do that? What's the HTML coding again? Dammit, why can't I get this happy crap right, stupid blogger templ...


See, there are plenty of things going on to take your mind of the slow decline into..

NOW CUT THAT OUT STUPID VOICE IN MY HEAD CONTROLLING MY HANDS TYPING ON THE KEYBOARD!!! As Homer J. Simpson once said, "Look brain, you don't like me and I don't like you. So let's just figure this out and then I'll go back to killing you with alcohol. Deal?"


See, there are plenty of things to fill your life with happiness and wonder. The furry warmth of a beloved pet, the joy of spending time with friends and family, and the unparalleled beauty of nature. So get out there and live, live to the fullest!

(Now where's my freakin' bourbon, fat boy? Hey, you weren't supposed to type that. Well I did, what are you going to do about it? Must hit "publish post" now....stop madness....)


JH said…
Time to get them a bigger bed or even better a big box! Cats heart boxes! BOX BOX BOX
R R Rabbids said…
If unicorns don't exist then where do rainbows come from? I was told that unicorns fart rainbows.
Anonymous said…
Very cute kitties! Do they have names yet? Perhaps jh & Mrs jh can introduce their new addition to yours and lots of pits & cratching will ensue! Maybe not.


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