Wizard Of Oz-Dark Side Of The Moon Blog For Top Chef

Concept: since Bravo repeats every episode of Top Chef a kajillion times, you can have the experience of watching the episode with me any time by following along with this blog entry. Basically, it's a Dark Side Of The Moon-Wizard Of Oz concept. You know how you're supposed to start DSOM at the moment Wizard Of Oz goes into color and there's a weird synchronicity between the music and the movie? Well that's how this works. The numbers next to each reaction correspond to minutes past the start of the episode so even if you recorded you can "sync up" with me. Sound fun? Here goes:

Top Chef Season 4, episode 2. (Spoilers ahoy, by the way)

-1 yell at wife to turn off weather channel and put on Bravo

0 last week's recap. How come the winner of the challenge didn't at least get Padma's new cookbook or some autographed smack from Bourdain or something?

4 one of the chicks is wearing those 70s sunglasses. Does anyone think that's attractive?

5 Eucalyptus? What, does Blais think one of the judges is a koala?

6 Aussie dude forgot his bag. Given the amount of time they spent with him last week and at the start of this ep, I say he's going down this week

7 Wylie Dufresne! Rock!!!!!

9 The koala food went over like a fart in church. Oh well.

11 Andrew better get his crap together or he's not going to be this season's Hung.

13 Nice prediction on my part. Aussie boy gets immunity thanks to improvising due to lack of ingredients. Coming attractions make me think they're cooking for zoo animals after the break. We'll see if that's a prescient as eliminating Crocodile Dundee.

15 The Bud Light commercial with the talking dog and squirrel once again verifies the Inverse Theory Of Beer Advertising, i.e. that the worse the beer is the better the commercials for it are.

17 They're totally cooking for zoo animals, and Andrew is more of an idiot than a scheming heel at this point.

18 Well that's creative. What do you base the vulture dish on. Leftovers?

23 Ooh, that's stunning. Staten Island girl is getting uppity about having "table décor" Wonder if she'll put plastic runners on the carpet too.

26 We have a Collichio sighting. He seems skeptical about the glacier. Then he tries to stir something up about Aussie dude having immunity.

28 Dishes seem to be crashing and burning left and right. Décor Girl's mushrooms look like deer crap. Hope the flowers cover that up, honey.

30 flip to WNYC during the commercial. Lidia is on at 11:30, nice food show to drift off to dreamland to. And hey, the first Dinner Impossible is on. You know, before the world found out Irvine was a con man and that Food Network is crappy at background checks.

34 Colicchio gets impatient about service. Ouch. Gail Simmons still looks like a space alien with huge shoulders to me, especially next to Padma Her shoulders are like Giada De Laurentis's head.

36 OK honey, its "Blini" not "Bellini". Two totally different things.

37 Gail has her Nigel Tufnel moment complimenting the size of the bread. Good thing, but I would like to see her folding it repeatedly saying "But then you get this, and I don't want this!"

39 They love the tapioca squid combo. Hmm…tapioca and seafood. Gee, aren't those the components of one of Thomas Keller's most famous dishes? Why yes, kiddies, yes they are. Zero points for originality.

43 The wife comments on the "blini vs. bellini" thing during the break. I explain that yes, they're making Russian savory pancakes, not Prosecco and peach puree cocktails.

46 They love Aussie guys dishes. OK, Nostradamus I ain't. That's fine though, he seems like a likable guy and I hope he goes far in the competition.

47 Hyper-douchebag guy wins. Oh well. They are building him to be this season's Hung/Marcel/Stephen heel character.

48 Mushrooms and Blini screw things. Guess the flowers didn't cover that up. Oh, and never admit to not tasting food. I believe it was Gordon Ramsay who once said "if you're not eating, you're not cooking in my kitchen".


58 And if you can't pronounce it, go home. I always wondered if they made everyone film their exit scene in advance.

59 Rick Bayless? Wonder if someone will win him over with a Southwestern Chicken sandwich from McDonald's or whatever crap he shilled for a couple years ago. Ah whatever, I like his PBS show, especially because he recognized Lucha Libre as a legitimate art form.

Well that's it for this experiment. I might do it again. Or not.


JH said…
Aussie guy still my fave.

I hope that Andrew goes down in flames at some point.

More drunk Padma (like more cowbell).
JH said…
Oh yeah and as a loyal reader I don't even get credit for suggesting this? See if I buy you a beer this summer at Peskoff's.
DC said…
Hey you, you suggested that I write about it. I came up with the ingenious format.

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