My name is getting around

Once upon a time, I was fortunate to be part of a curling rink that won an event in what is essentially the Northeastern US Men’s Under-5 years-of-Experience Curling Championship.

I know, you're thinking of the immortal words of Derrick Coleman. "Whoop-de-damn-do. "

Despite my general indifference to the outcome of the competition part of these things (I’m just there for a good party), I must admit I felt lucky to be part of that team and proud of what we accomplished. The coolest thing about it is that when you win one of the four events at that competition your name goes on a trophy that travels to the home club of the team that wins that event each year. So now, my name is engraved and traveling around the Northeast US, kind of like a flat brass Waldo or Carmen Sandiego. At other clubs, you win an event and maybe your name goes on a trophy in their bar. Not this one. It's a road trip every year!

Of course, to 99% of the people who ever see the trophy, the only name that will matter is their own. They don’t look at the other names and go “hey, I know that guy” or “Geez, that’s an odd name I wonder what he’s like” or “Where the hell is that club?” So really, is that little plaque a sliver or immortality or just another scratch on an over sized paperweight? Depends on who’s looking, I guess.


JH said…
Some of us even read the trophies in the bar to see the other names.
Anonymous said…
congrats! I don't think I ever had my name on a trophy other than the ones sitting in a box somewhere in my parents house. Absolutely NO ONE see's those.

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