The Great Interactive Hobby Thread

Curling season is winding down for another year so it’s time to reflect on what’s past and what I still want to do in the few years that I intend to continue playing the game:

I want to curl in Canada, preferably at the PEI Summer Spud. The City of Ottawa might be fun too but the level of curling there is way over my head and it's men's curling. I'd rather curl with the Mrs. up north.

I would love to curl in Europe, preferably at a less-competitive/more drinking bonspiel.

I want to get one more member of my family to try the sport so at some point I can enter a bonspiel or play in the club’s Saturday night league as a family unit.

I’d like to extend my “curling footprint” in the US; the furthest I’ve gone to curl is Knoxville.

I want to go watch the Brier live and in person, though I guess that can happen after I stop playing.

I want to get 10 years under my belt at the PCC Stone so I can get my mug and retire!

I think that’s about it. What I want to know from anyone who drops in to read this is what your hobby is and what do you hope to do with it? C’mon people, my little cluster map says there are at least a few folks who stumble across this thing from time to time so let’s hear from you. Bring on the comments!


JH said…
I don't consider curling my hobby. Mostly cause I spend too much time at the club. Probably fishing qualifies as that now since I don't do it as much as I want.

So, want to catch a marlin someday. A muskie at Lake of the Woods would be nice as well.

Of course, my real hobby is probably supporting Mrs. JHcurl in the style to which she is accustomed.

If you want to attend a big time curling event, go to Edmonton in December 2009 for the Olympic trials. It will be the best curling you have ever seen and the atmosphere will be great.
Jen D. said…
You really had me thinking about this. The only hobby I guess I could say I have is gaming, but with working, coming home and doing class work, then trying to get some time to just relax before bed and rinse/repeat I haven't had a lot of time to do much lately. Having Mikey over and playing guitar hero also made me realize that my skills at gaming are not what they used to be, or he just plays guitar hero wayyyy to much. (I'm sticking to the latter!) Everquest 2 required too much commitment; we literally had to be online from 8pm to 11pm or 12am or be threatened with removal from the group of players we were with. This guy would scream at us even when he was the one who messed up, if you thought this guy was made up, trust me, he isn’t. People truly take these games too seriously, so seriously that they are not FUN anymore which is really what they are about right? We did find a new game that we just play with each other, Tabula Rasa. We barely play about once a week now.
I was into casual photography for a while, inspired by one of my technicians whose work is pretty amazing. But I haven’t done much with that in a long time either.
Time to go get some real hobbies!

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