
Yes, content has fallen off the cliff here.  Nobody reads blogs anymore anyway do they?   My time is occupied by other things - my responsibilities have increased at work (but oddly my salary has not thanks to Corporate America's "you be grateful you still have a job" approach that does wonders for profits and stock prices and not much for the average working schmuck, but I digress).  On the more interesting side of things I'm working on two projects, one is a short story that has a beginning and an end already but one event in the middle is a sticking point and the whole thing kinda hinges on that so it may fall apart.  Then again, that thing is a Christmas-related story and since the holidays have passed I guess I have 11 months to finish it.  Making up something from scratch is a much bigger pain in the ass than writing memoir-type stuff or slightly exaggerating and fictionalizing actual events I have witnessed which is why so many people only write based on their own lives, I guess.  My life ain't that interesting so I'm out of material and into pure fabrication.  Which segues nicely into the other project.   

The other is also Christmas related but its a year-round project:  I'm working on my 2011 Christmas letter.  Yes, an old-fashioned, everything that happened to me over the last year style Christmas letter.  I have a notebook and every damn day I write down what happened. Often it's just weather conditions and the single word "work".  My plan was at the end of every month to go through every entry and try to boil the month down into a single paragraph and save it and at the end of November the 12 paragraphs (I started on 12/1/10) would comprise the Christmas letter.  Whether or not I try to rewrite everything in anachronistic, turn of the 20th century English to sound like T Herman Zweibel depends on how much time I have at the end of the year.  Naturally it is January 13 and I haven't done December yet.  So much for self-imposed deadlines.  I expect this to be absolutely dreadfully dull to everyone else but an interesting exercise to me as I'll know exactly how much of my life is spent doing completely uninteresting things in the interest of maintaining life, health and lifestyle.  My mom told me that if you're bored it's because you're a boring person.  Well, I'm about to find out how boring I really am which could be interesting (to me, anyway). 

As for this thing, well,  I think I have some more pictures on various hard drives that I'll put up.  Or if you're new here read the archives.  That'll learn you for stopping here. 


Amber.Jeannette said…
I enjoyed your post and your sense of humor. I'm confused about whether or not people still read blogs. I just wrote a book but it lacks a solid ending, so I know how you feel about lacking a middle Yikes!

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