The Best Pork Sandwich Ever
Was sold to me by this gentleman. Here he is slicing it up. One slice lean meat, one slice of skin that's crispy on the outside and unctuous and fatty underneath. Alternate 3 times (6 slices total), put it on a hard roll and you have the omnivore's nirvana. A smell, taste and texture experience that is a worthy rival to the beauty hammering your other senses in this part of the world. All yours for 2.50 Euros.
Want some cured meat instead? Well ask this guy. He'll carve you some prosciutto right off the leg. Just tell him how many slices you want, he'll weigh it up and collect the money.
If you have any love for meats porcine, I suggest you make some plans to come to Siena on market day (Wednesday) and pay these gents a visit. With all due apologies and respect to my fellow Americans (particularly those of Southern origin or orientation), the pig from here is the best I've ever had. Then again, I have a few days to go here, maybe there are even better swine to be had somewhere nearby.