Do a search on "trans-rectal prostate biopsy". Or better yet, don't. It's not something worth investigating if you don't have to have one. To prepare for one of these one must get an enema. Self-administered if possible unless not possible or unless that kind of , what do they call it, "play" is your thing. It is definitely not my thing. However my significant other was kind enough to pick up the equipment for me. Super-kind in that she bought me the "extra" size, as in "extra volume", i.e. more salt water to shoot up your ass. I had that one coming for years, I suppose. I successfully executed that step while home alone. Turns out it is surprisingly refreshing, so much so that a brief run through an internet chat board concerning proper execution included threads cautioning folks to not do it more than once a week and not to drink the stuff. It wasn't that good for me, folks. The procedure itself is fairly undign...