Seasonal Update

 The garlic we planted last fall must've liked the heavy rain yesterday, the greens are starting to poke out from the soil. Scapes in a month maybe?  We're down to the last three heads of garlic from the greenmarket that we stockpiled before everyone ran out.  Life without garlic is sad.

 The new lawn guy/gardener/landscaper/whatever the term is for the person who takes care of our small patch of grass and bushes and trees (It’s not much of a lawn and “landscape” certainly implies a scale that we lack and we don’t let him touch the food-growing-garden) came today to do a spring cleanup.  Did a nice job too, I was worried that the squirrels and birds would be annoyed by a sparser space, but the squirrels showed up for their afternoon peanuts and I hear the birds and they don’t sound any different than normal so it’s all OK, I guess. 

There’s more daylight every day. 


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