Apples Too

Bigger apples are less texturally pleasing than smaller apples it seems, or maybe that's just true at this time of year.  Continued experimentation is necessary.  

The pandemic is ticking along as expected with cases rising because people are getting together during the holiday season which in most of America is Thanksgiving through New Year's.  So it's going to get worse before it gets better from the vaccine rollout, and I hope it doesn't break the back of health care professionals.  

Bigger apples are less texturally pleasing than smaller apples it seems, or maybe that's just true at this time of year.  Continued experimentation is necessary.  

The pandemic is ticking along as expected with cases rising because people are getting together during the holiday season which in most of America is Thanksgiving through New Year's.  So it's going to get worse before it gets better from the vaccine rollout, and I hope it doesn't break the back of health care professionals.  

Meanwhile, here we are. 

High of about 40, and sunny here.  

We got some roasted, unsalted peanuts in the shell for the squirrels and seed for the birds.  They seem to like it.  Looks like we have five squirrels that visit the yard now.  That's a lot.  More than we used to get.  We also get sparrows, cardinals, mockingbirds, blue jays, grackles, and the occasional downy woodpecker.  The pigeons and seagulls don't come by much.  Either they prefer the dumpsters down the street, or the pigeons at least are worried of a repeat of an incident a couple years ago where a Peregrine Falcon that was nesting on the bridge came by and ate one of them for lunch.  Maybe the pigeons pass down the story from generation to generation.  They're rock dove-pigeons by the way, not the kind of pigeons you eat, unless you're a Peregrine Falcon, I guess.  

As far as favorite apples go on the critter side of things whatever cores get tossed in the yard get eaten pretty quickly so I don't think they care what kind of apples I eat as long as I share. 


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