Apples Too
Bigger apples are less texturally pleasing than smaller apples it seems, or maybe that's just true at this time of year. Continued experimentation is necessary. The pandemic is ticking along as expected with cases rising because people are getting together during the holiday season which in most of America is Thanksgiving through New Year's. So it's going to get worse before it gets better from the vaccine rollout, and I hope it doesn't break the back of health care professionals. Bigger apples are less texturally pleasing than smaller apples it seems, or maybe that's just true at this time of year. Continued experimentation is necessary. The pandemic is ticking along as expected with cases rising because people are getting together during the holiday season which in most of America is Thanksgiving through New Year's. So it's going to get worse before it gets better from the vaccine rollout, and I hope it doesn't break the back...