Treatment Shoes

I've been wearing the same pair of old New Balance every day to treatment because they're easier to slip on and off without untying so I can quick change in and out of clothes for treatment.  I can't decide if I'm going to throw them out or bronze them or just put them in the back of the closet to look at and remember after I'm done. 

Must remember:  Nostalgia is poison. If I have the slightest thought of romanticizing this season of my life in the trash they must go. 

One week to go by the way.  A bit less because of the Memorial Day holiday.  They tell me I may even get my full dose in 45 sessions instead of 46 so I may even be done on Thursday and not Friday.  We'll see.  I'll believe it when they tell me not to come back for a month.

85 and sunny, by the way.  I've been hiding in the AC since I walked to the corner for lunch. 


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