9 To Go

"What the fuck is that, a bear?" 

The gentleman who drives me to treatment had just noticed a brass colored metal sculpture (it could be brass for all I know, unlikely that it was bronze) of a cheetah or leopard outside a Walgreen's in Bayonne on our way in. 

"They must have that thing bolted to the sidewalk otherwise the junkies would take it for scrap metal.  You know how much money you can make from scrap metal?" 

I said "Probably a lot?" based not on any practical experience but based on a subplot on "The Wire" that I had seen years ago.

Low 60s and cloudy, by the way.  It's been one of the wettest May weeks I can remember. 

I've gotten really really good about talking about the weather.  It's been unusual and noteworthy so far during my treatment period and it's a benign thing (see what I did there?) to discuss as the radiology folks push, pull, adjusted, mark, cover and elevate me before the zap starts.  The last thing I ever want to do is piss off people who are either giving me medical treatment or serving me food.  Based on my experience doing the latter I know it's a bad idea and my imagination teleports me to truly horrible places when I think about an annoyed vengeful person doing the former. 

Traffic is another good small talk topic.  No wonder news stations do traffic and weather together every 10 minutes. 

Nine more treatments to go.  I'm tired but I know it could be worse which is why my stock zippy status update when asked is "Pretty good for someone in my condition, kinda not relative to normal life".   


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