7/24/17 Keep It Up

68 and cloudy.  Rained earlier.

In that hopeful post-travel phase right now.  You know the one.  It's the one where you come back from a couple weeks where you went somewhere else and did other things (it doesn't really matter where you went or what you did for the purposes of this phenomenon) and you think you're going to do things differently once you're home.  The travel has changed you, made you grow a little.  Taught you something.  Maybe even made you a new person if the trip was particularly eventful or memorable.

Then you come home, sit in the same stupid traffic and go back to the same workplace grind and all your habits are there, waiting for you like expectant hungry children.   Reminding you that no, real life is not what you experience during travel, it;'s what goes on during the long grey grinding everyday unremembered nothing that makes up the overwhelming amount of time that we spend here.  You're still the same guy or gal you always were and here's the same daily dose of bland nothingness that you actually become grateful for every time the REALLY bad news hits, oh and it will hit.  Someone will die, someone will get sick, eventually both will happen to you.  So take that dose and shut the fuck up because it will be worse someday.

The trick, of course, is to hang on to that lie.  That lie that you were going to do things differently this time.  You were going to be better. oh this time you really mean it.  So here's to hanging onto that lie as long as you can fellow travelers, it may all just work out for you this time.


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