7/2/17 Nostalgia Allergy

Mid 80s at 11pm local time.   Yuck.

My father in law found a bunch of old pictures while looking for something else and brought them to us today.   Some people really like looking at old pictures and if social media is any indicator some people would be happier just living in the past.   Neither of those apply to me.  Quite the opposite in fact.   After the first couple of pictures I started to feel overwhelmed with an oppressive sense of doom.   I saw so many dead loved ones captured in poses and also snared in moments of candor and all I wanted to do was warn them about what horrors were coming for them.   The pictures of my parents at ages younger than mine were especially difficult as I tried to imagine what they were thinking,  what they were hoping for the future at that point. Knowing how badly things would go for them made it incredibly painful to see them as their younger selves.  I wish I could say that I turned it into some kind of lesson or put a positive spin on it but that would be a lie.  All I can do is keep on keeping on until the inevitable arrives at my doorstep as well.


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