5/23/17 The Almighty Buck

Mid 60's and mostly sunny.

Entertainment television is bereft of ideas.  Scripted shows are mostly ripoffs and reboots (there are a few quality exceptions, yes, yes I know) and competition shows have spawned the creepiest, ugliest, chill-inducing versions of themselves:  the kiddie versions.  What the hell though right?  Nobody is forcing the parents of America (and around the world) to shove their progeny in front of the camera for a buck.  So I'm predicting that it's only a matter of time before we cross that final Rubicon of bad taste:  Ladies, gentlemen and people across the gender spectrum I give you The Bachelor:  Kids Edition!

Now before you get the Internet cops after me and think I'm suggesting some sort of depraved act I will say to you I am certainly not.  However I am aware that in certain cultures arranged marriages are still a thing.  So how long before that thing becomes a competition show?  Think that's too tasteless?  Oh come on, all it takes is time and the desire for filthy lucre.  Immediately after the 9/11 attacks there were calls to make that date a holiday and I was (and still am) strongly opposed to this.  If Memorial Day has taught us nothing else it's that given enough time people will turn a solemn occasion into an excuse for parties and, you guessed it, sales.  People told me that I was nuts, that it would never happen and I said oh just you wait, a generation from now you'll have Wal Mart saying "The towers came down and so did our prices!" Horrible, people said.  Ridiculous.  Wait, I said, and it didn't quite take a generation for someone to do it.

Yeah, they went out of business but they won't be the last.  Just keep waiting.  If there's a buck to be made by exploiting something people will do it.


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