
Slow down. Look out the window. See which way the wind is blowing. Check the thermometer and see how cold it is.

Walk slowly. Look out for ice patches. Look around at how the snow coats the topside of the phone lines and the trees. Notice the gaps where a bird or a squirrel had been.

Look both ways.

Kick the snow off your feet outside the door, slowly and deliberately. Not too hard, you'll bruise yourself. Unlace the shoes. Take them off.

Hold the knife straight. Bisect the onion laterally. Pull the skin deliberately and surely. Make even cuts, don't let the pieces fall onto the floor. You're not racing anyone here and you're not proving anything by cutting yourself.

Drizzle the oil slowly while you blend it into the rest of the dressing. If you see a slick stop. You have time. Notice the color. Smell.

Wait. Watch. Remember.


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