Fair Use

Thanks Coach Ray for the text and Brion Gysin for the four pieces technique.

Now that I’ve thought long and hard don’t get subtle on me before I’ve had the voting public had actually ever read moot. My bad. Go get some more java; cuz hasn’t read the Constitution either Sorry I had to go there. Nevermind.

Oh, and this hope for a renaissance of hey, is this thread covered by Fair Use farmer? Congress is already working o Better get the jungle camo netting up WFMU is pretty involved in the Copyleft your garlic and tomatoes next. Actually I meant it as it applies to you.

Care to join The Missus and me in a that about covers it.

I thought Congress could only regulate response, all I can say is that if 51% of backyard ain’t in Jersey while my house the Constitution, his point would be yard is claimed by Indian tribe, then

Oh, and sorry for missing your other j distributed in such a way as to gener right? Doctrine? The Community Supported Agriculture in dashing that. Movement. We have nothing to fear. Over the backyard. They’re coming for

Remote corner of Montana?

E interstate commerse. As long as my is in NY I think I’m good. Unless my then they can invoke Article 8, D’oh! …you meant 51% of the voting public ate a majority in the electoral college.


R R Rabbids said…
You spelled commerce wrong ;-)

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