
There is a kind of unreality that settles in on the streets of New York when the temperature approaches triple digits. There’s a blur that hovers around fourteen inches above the asphalt that eddies and splashes against bus and taxi wheels. The sun glares down like an interrogator’s lamp and within a few minutes of reaching the urine-scented streets your head begins to gently throb with the rhythm of a slowly moving local subway train.

That is why the entries have been short for the last few days.

The heat just sucks the mental energy right out of me. I’m not alone in this. As I walked around the office today I saw a lot of staring into space or even flat out goofiness. It’s hard to put a coherent thought together for two sentences never mind a complete paragraph.

See? There’s another pause. Where was I going with this?

Not outside certainly. I remember reading the Dune series by Frank Herbert when I was in college. Not for college, for fun. Anyway the planet Dune was so hot (how hot was it?) that the native nomadic tribes wore suits that converted all body moisture back into drinkable water. Why did I think of that? It’s hot. Haven’t you noticed? Well maybe you haven’t. You’re reading this right now on a computer and that device needs to be kept at a reasonable temperature. So if you could really, viscerally feel how hot it is outside right now you couldn’t possibly be reading this.

People seem to be drifting out of the office early today. It’s Friday. That’s what people in my business do in the summer. Don’t know why. It’s hot out there. Right now it’s 71.6 degrees F in my office. That’s pretty comfy. Maybe I should stay here until December? Hmmm, no, they turn the air off at 6pm which is a lot earlier than December.

This isn’t really going anywhere, is it? This is a terrible entry. I’m letting you all down.

I’m sorry. It’s hot.

I was a rock star at work this morning. I cracked a joke in the executive staff meeting that made the president of my company laugh hysterically. In the toadie-driven world of corporate America, that is a big score my friends. Big, big score indeed. I even received post-meeting compliments from some of my fellow supplicants. I would tell you the joke but it involves alternative work schedules and South American soccer tournaments so it would be really really unfunny to anyone who had no experience in dealing with such topics simultaneously.

Speaking of rock stars, how’s this for a great rock video?

Right around now is the point where I should try to thematically tie all this up into a nice pretty bow. Should. I won't. It's hot. Have a nice weekend.


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