Cinematic Titanic

I am as excited as I can possibly be about something entertainment related. One of the greatest shows in the history to television is being revived. Sort of. In a new format. And not on TV.

I'm still excited.

The original cast of MST3K have reunited to produce DVDs and do live performances (!) They sold out the first live date in LA and I'm scouring the Interwebs to find out if or when they're going to do a NY date. Meanwhile, time to get out the ol' credit card and order some DVDs. I mean, TV's Frank is back. TV'S FRANK!!! DO YOU HEAR ME???

Sorry, I'm really stoked. I was kind of fanatical about the show back in the 90s. I probably have most of the episodes from the Comedy Central era on various poorly labelled VHS tapes in my basement. Even though I have those, I still regularly ask for the DVDs as gifts and will probably buy the 20th anniversary box as soon as it comes out on October 28.

I have used "Torgo's Pizza" as a password (not for anything current so don't get any ideas). You get the idea.

Time to do some ordering. Push the button, Frank.


Anonymous said…
What do you think, sirs?

I couldn't be more stoked. My buddy, on the morning of his wedding, was almost late as we were stuck watching some MST3K. How can you blame a guy.

Rock climbing, Joel. Rock climbing.


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