In Heaven

I had a toe amputated not too long ago.  Not really a huge deal nowadays with modern medical science being what it is.  The toe just got sicker quicker than the rest of me has to this point and was just about dead.  It had to be cut off so it didn't take the rest of me with it regardless of which parts of the rest of me might have been curious about the process.  

In one of my follow up checkups I asked what they do with the bits they cut off of or out of people.  I figured they burned them.  The doctor said, very cheerfully given the subject matter at hand I might add, that "First it goes to Pathology and they do what they have to do and then yes, it gets incinerated.  So, a little bit of you is already in Heaven".  

A little bit of me is already in Heaven?

How is it that a dead toe qualifies entry into Heaven?  I don't recall the toe being a particularly virtuous toe.  It never told me that it had accepted Jesus Christ as its savior, or whatever declarations the other flavors of monotheism have you declare to pass muster.  

If a toe can pass through the gates of heaven in a manner more likely that a camel passing through the eye of a needle what about toenails?  Or fingernails?  Or hair, head, body, or even nose?  Is there a giant pile of all that stuff waiting for each of us in whatever afterlife we are headed to?  

We know that household dust is mostly shed bits of our own skin so they're definitely here and not there, thankfully, because I would hope that heaven is cleaner than that.  


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