
 I've learned that you should celebrate all the things worth celebrating including just waking up in the morning and feeling relatively healthy and functional.  Still, New Year's is a holiday that almost never fails to depress me if I don't have distractions like a nice restaurant dinner or a concert.  It's almost impossible to think of the marking of the passage of time without remembering everything and everyone you lost in the interval and knowing that at the age you are the losses are just going to keep mounting.  

On the other hand I just pitched a couple handfuls of unsalted peanuts into the yard and the squirrels and a blue jay seem happy about that.  I was late with my 11am apple this morning which means I was late pitching a chopped up core into the back yard and when I opened the door a squirrel was waiting on the step.  So now I have that obligation, though I don't mind.  

I also have a pile of books (7 to be precise) to read to start the year.  Gifts and stuff I bought myself and then forgot I bought that took a long time to get here add up. So there's that.

So far it's been a good day.  A good year is too much to ask for, I know this now but a good day, you can build a good day and then another and then maybe you can build a bunch of good days in a row so when you hit the bad one, or ones, the good ones are a recent memory so you can see a way back there.  That's how you keep going.  


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