Interlude: Last Ride on the Nine

Mid 70s but boy is it humid.  More rain coming later, they say. 

They're changing all the bus routes that go from where I live to where I work a week from Monday.

I've noted before that the never-ending changes that go on in this city and in particular the mundane ones color one's recollections of a given time in one's life.  I don't know why I find it interesting as it probably isn't important in any way to note the passing of things like tollbooths and bus routes.  Going further back I was wondering about the last time I used a token.  I don't remember what year it was, what season it was, was I going to work or something social?  I could look up when the city made it worth my while by having metrocards reduce the cost of my commute vs. what I was paying with tokens but that, for someone of my age, would be "cheating".

Writing something down on the date of a transition somehow isn't "cheating".  Seems arbitrary, but this is my space (pun on the name of a place no one visits anymore intended) I can do what I want here.

This morning was the last ride in, tonight (traffic permitting) is the last ride home.  If traffic doesn't permit than the last ride home already happened.

In a few weeks the first rides on the new routes happen.  In the meantime I don't have to come into the office on this coast which is a good thing.   I've never been an early adapter. 

We now return to the cemetery already in progress. 


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