Ghost Limb

One of my sisters is moving tomorrow and in the process of cleaning out her house I wound up with my father's prosthetic leg.  It's in a plastic bag in the living room right now because contrary to what you may think it's not that easy to get rid of a prosthetic leg.  You can't give them to someone to reuse in America because of legal reasons and if you want it to go overseas somewhere you have to ship it to the appropriate charity (there are none nearby me) or if you want to give it to veterans for parts for other limbs you have to ship it too as the only nearby place that took them appears to have gone out of business, or out of charity, or whatever you would call such a thing.

Mid 70s and severe thunderstorms in case you were wondering.

This morning on the bus I saw a woman jogging alongside and when she crossed the street in front of the bus she faded into a reflection before reappearing on the other side of the street as though she had passed briefly into another dimension.  Maybe she did, I can't prove otherwise. 

That's what I get for looking out the window instead of reading or sleeping.  Both those activities control your visual input and keep confusion away.  No ghosts, at least none that you can see.

I need to figure out how to do the most positive thing possible with the leg.  It's going to be interesting when I walk into the FedEx store with it if that's what it winds up taking. 

I think the rain is slowing down.  Yes this is a rare two weather update post.  Happy "On The Road" trip start day.  61 years ago.  What would Jack have done with a leg?


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