Context is Important

If you happen to be young and male and heterosexually inclined and someone proposed the following scenario you might automatically assume it was a prelude to a fun time. 

Scenario:  You arrive at a place of commerce with the foreknowledge that just about the entire cost of your activities there will be paid for by someone else.  At said place you are brought to a changing room and given the following instructions:  "Take off all clothing below the waste, put on this robe and go through that door which leads to another room". 

Sound fun?

It ain't necessarily so. 

Because for the next 30 minutes or so what you'll be doing is laying on a hard table until your shoulders shake and your back spasms while being run back and forth through a cat scan machine and simultaneously a mold is being made of your lower body via the use of some kind of squishy material inside of what looked suspiciously like a plastic bag used for leaf and lawn clipping disposal. 

Sound fun now?

It wasn't. 

Could be worse.  Could be raining. 


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