8/4/17 Tethered

High 70s, partly cloudy and the humidity is building again.

They say that "sitting is the new smoking", whoever they are (medical people I think) so I've been trying to be good about getting up and walking around several times during the office day including taking a couple of trips downstairs to walk around the building or if I have the time, the block.  In general I try to remember my mobile device but sometimes I don't and it when I'm downstairs and realize I don't have it I get a pang of anxiety.  I have a recurring vision of a bomb going off in the area or a plane flying into the building where I work and being completely cut off from being able to communicate with anyone.  It's not entirely an unfounded fear given that I work in a highly trafficked and touristy area of New York City but it also occurs to me that it's a fear I never would have had 20 years ago or even ten since I was a late adapter to the smartphone world.  Heck, I only got a cellphone around the turn of the 21st century when my parents' health was failing.  I grew up in a world where it was acceptable to be out of touch when you weren't at home or at the office.  Now it isn't.  To be sure, there are a lot of benefits to being consistently reachable but they aren't without the cost of anxiety of being out of touch.  First world problems, to be sure.


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