4/25/17 The Best Plans

53 degrees, cloudy with on and off rain.

A guy got on my bus this morning arguing with his female companion.  She looked somewhat younger than he but I couldn't decide if she was a wife or a sibling or a daughter or a lover or a friend or niece.  The only thing that would have surprised me is if she was his granddaughter because they didn't look far enough apart in age for that.  Near as I could tell they were arguing over whether or not this bus was the "right" bus, or rather was it the right time for the bus because apparently they had used the MTA app and decided to let the first bus on the same route pass seven minutes earlier figuring they had a better chance of sitting together (true) and that the seven minute delay wouldn't morning-traffic-multiply out into something greater (always unclear but risky).  I'm not terribly interested in the voices of my fellow morning commuters so I put headphones on and dozed.

They got off the bus at the same stop I did and as I walked away he said "I can't believe you got the day of the appointment wrong, now we have to find the stop to take the bus back home".


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