The Interview

There is a particular moment that happens in any long-form celebrity interview that gives me an almost overwhelming urge to throw my shoe through the television.

It is an integral part of what Colson Whitehead dubbed the “Bob’s Debut” interview in John Henry Days. “Bob’s Debut” is the first type of article or interview in the cycle of celebrity that introduces the Next Big Bob, usually followed by “Bob Returns” which is the inevitable second novel/record/movie/whatever that comes with some kind of backlash since Bob is now successful (this is especially true in music journalism once someone who was a critical darling hits it big). Then you have “Bob Returns” which is the rehab of Bob’s image after fame has peaked and then fallen due to failed effort/sex scandal/substance abuse/all of the above (Tiger Woods just did his “Bob Returns” interview this week, in fact). There are a couple of other “Bob” interview or article genres but our topic today is “Bob’s Debut” and specifically the one moment that pisses me off.

That moment is the moment when Bob is asked about what s/he did before they were famous. Bob inevitably rolls his/her eyes and says “Well Interviewer, let me tell you I worked at (office/Starbucks/restaurant) and boy let me tell you I was the WORST (assistant/file clerk/barista/waiter). Boy they finally had to fire me and I’ll tell you my boss (name) did me a HUGE favor!” Bob then chuckles, looks into the camera and gives a silent “fuck you, I’m better than y’all” to every decent person working a crap job in these here United States. And the world, for that matter.

Having spent the last 27 years of my life working underappreciated crap jobs, it takes every ounce of my will not to throw whatever I’m drinking through my not-very-new television set. Really Bob? How dare you condescend to the working public? How fucking dare you look down your cocaine filled celebrity nose at us? If you didn’t fuck the appropriate casting director or know the right person to get your book read or luck into some commercial to get the song you posted on You Tube heard you know where you would be? You would be on the unemployment line because you’re a goddamned incompetent member of the service industry. That’s where you’d be.


HogBlogger said…
What's the matter, DC? Nick Lachey cut you off at the coffee cart this morning?
Anonymous said…
Yeah,i agree . Every famous personality , after reachin the peak of there career, claim that they started from scratch . There was none to promote them , or they were not born with a silver spoon . But weather it be true or a concocted story , it happens to attract sympathyand love from thir fans for sure.

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