
Back from the Left Coast after three days of work and a travel day yesterday. You go into a bubble when you go out there (or anywhere for business, I guess) where life becomes get up, have meetings and working sessions, go out to dinner with co-workers and consume large amounts of alcohol, fall down in bed late, get up early and repeat. There's no favorite TV show watching, no family time except via phone and the internet, no time reading your friends' blogs (sorry guys), no sports viewing unless the game happens to be on in the bar where you're engaging in your required socialization, none of the normal rootedness and structure of home.

So now I'm back in the real world trying to get my legs under me. I can only imagine what this is like for people who travel a lot for work, I guess eventually you figure out how to make the road more homelike and develop regular routines. Me, I'm glad I only travel for work a few times a year.

What does this have to do with anything? I don't know, I just know one of the things that went out of the window was writing almost every day. So now I'm writing about nothing just to write because it re-settles my brain. There. That's better. Now to get some lunch and get back to my day job and maybe later, or over the weekend I'll see if there's anything worth telling about my time in Southern California. In the meantime, thanks for reading and don't forget to tip your bartenders.


R R Rabbids said…
Sounds to me like you need some southern comfort. Done.

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