The Bus Line Organizer

There’s a woman I often see on my bus stop in the morning who I call “The Line Lady”. When she arrives at the stop she takes note of who is already there, and then she keeps track of those who arrive after her. When the bus arrives, she’s sure to usher everyone that was there ahead of her on to the bus first and then position herself to block anyone who arrived after she did. If anyone who arrives after she did eludes her and gets on before she does there’s a lot of “tching” and comments like “some people just can’t wait their turn!”

Bear in mind, most mornings there are plenty of seats on the bus when it arrives at our stop (about halfway along the pickup route toward the Verrazano Bridge). Sometimes, just for fun I politely smile make her get on ahead of me when she’s arrived after I have. As you might imagine, she gets quite red-faced and stuttery over this. Almost as bad as she gets when someone gets on ahead of her. I guess it disrupts her vision of order for the universe. It entertains the hell out of me though.


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