
Showing posts from June, 2021

The End?

Remember when the pandemic was new and those articles and some pictures from the 1918 flu pandemic came out and some people wondered why there wasn't more of a historical record or documentation of how to handle it?   I think this week has been an education in why that is, it's that when people 100 years ago got to the end of their pandemic they just wanted to get past it, be done with it and not think about it anymore.   So nothing was gained and nothing was learned.   We've come to the (beginning of?   middle of? ) the end of the pandemic now at least in the urban coastal regions of the United States.   In the middle we came to the psychological end a while ago because most folks in most states outside of the urban coastal regions don't give a rip about those we've lost, or their neighbors, or society as a whole, only about what "impinges on their freedom".    There’s zero interest in learning anything this time that we can use next time, or even i...

The Weather

The young people of today will probably never know the overwhelming desire to turn off the television during a thunderstorm because when they were a kid they hear about That Neighbor Whose Antenna Got Struck By Lightning and It Went Right Down and Came Out Through The TV and KILLED HIM!   It's always a guy, I guess women were always smart enough to turn off the TV when the storm started.