Cool and intermittently rainy. Times Square glowing in the gray below my office. My parents were married 69 years ago today. I've written about it before on this thing, most likely those were better than this because at my age my ability to express myself is eroding just like pretty much everything else. They lived long enough to celebrate 50 years of marriage but not 51. Still a pretty good run, most people don't get that long. I suspect most people don't want to, but I think my parents were glad that they did. I've long suspected that I missed the good part for them. Being the late in life accident that I am by the time I got to an age where I could begin to appreciate them as people and not just parents they were already in the long decline that leads to the six foot hole in the ground, even further along than I am now and the way I feel some days, well, I can understand them even better now. Not that it does them any good. One thin...